Person to Person: The Orthodox Understanding of Human Nature - Contemporary western society questions what it means to be human. Competing and contradictory ideologies argue over the purpose of life, gender, sexual orientation and personal identity. Anthropological confusion could perhaps characterize our generation more than any other. Amid these ever-changing and divergent views, Dr. Boosalis presents the unique Orthodox understanding of human nature that is liberating as it is unchanging.
Knowledge of God: Ancient Spirituality of the Christian East - Harry Boosalis, Professor Emeritus of St. Tikhon’s Seminary, in his characteristic clear and simple delivery explores the meaning of Orthodox theology as the acquisition of knowledge of the Person of God through repentance and the vision of Christ in glory.
Holy Tradition - Tradition is often perceived as purely the conservation of the past. Prof. Boosalis demonstrates the dynamic nature of tradition as the life of the Church, invigorated by the Holy Spirit, and rooted in each person’s faith and life in Christ. This volume also discusses the role of ethnic customs in the continuance of tradition, the role of oral and written traditions, and the place of monasticism.
Taught by God - Taught by God is comprised of preliminary lectures in Orthodox theology. While intended for first-year Master of Divinity students at St. Tikhon’s Seminary, its introductory level of approach and reader-friendly style is suitable for anyone interested in the ancient spirituality of the Christian East. Based on Holy Scripture and patristic teaching, this study refers to the writings of a variety of Orthodox theologians, especially those from Eastern European backgrounds. This book is original in that it preserves its teaching purpose by maintaining a practical approach as well as an appropriate level of language.