SVS Press Titles

327 products

Showing 217 - 240 of 327 products
The Communion of Love - Matthew the Poor
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St Vladimir's Live: The Chorale and Octet in Concert (Audio CD)
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A Silent Patriarch
A Silent Patriarch
$18 $30
Popular Patristics 35 Wider than Heaven
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Byzantine Liturgical Reform
Byzantine Liturgical Reform
$20 $26
Rejoice! Hymns to the Virgin Mary
The Ministry of the Church: The Image of Pastoral Care
Sacraments of HealingSacraments of Healing
Sacraments of Healing
Reflections on a Spiritual Journey
Celebration of Faith, Volume 3: The Virgin Mary
Byzantium and the Slavs
Byzantium and the Slavs
In the Image and Likeness of God
Catholicity and the Church
An Icon Painter's Notebook
This Holy Man: Impressions of Metropolitan Anthony
The Freedom of Morality
The Freedom of Morality
Celebration of Faith, Vol 2: The Church Year

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