Cave of Essex - Community of St. John the Baptist

53 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 53 products
Knock, and It Shall Be Opened Unto You
The Justice of God in Stages
Seek and ye shall find
Seek and ye shall find
Perfect Surrendering to the Spirit of Salvation
Ask, and It Shall Be Given You
Mariam: the Mother of our Lord and Mother of our life
The Furnace of the Heart
The Furnace of the Heart
Man, the Author of His Likeness to Christ
Hypostatic Prayer: The Measure of Perfection
Prayer as Infinite Creation
Prayer as Infinite Creation
The Cross and Resurrection of Christ
The Otherness of Love
The Otherness of Love
Alive from the Dead: Homilies on Great Lent
Hesychasm: The Bedewing Furnace of the HeartHesychasm: The Bedewing Furnace of the Heart
Thirst for Life Eternal LPThirst for Life Eternal LP
Freedom & Obedience in the Vision of Saint Sophrony
Man the Target of God
Man the Target of God
Remember Thy First Love
Remember Thy First Love

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